Do "Deinfluencers" Actually Want Us to Watch Less TikTok? Who Are They?
People are advising you to cease using excessive amounts of things in the #deinfluencing trend on Tiktok. So is this just another tactic used by influencers to gain greater popularity and cash?
"An iced coffee is not necessary for productivity. When you go out in public, you don't need to style your hair or wear only gold or silver jewelry. Most importantly, though, you shouldn't feel awful if you did it.
In a recent TikTok video, Chloe, posting as @chloe.chapdelaine, offers some words of wisdom. With almost 360,000 followers, the influencer posts videos about her Canadian life, her travels, and of course the things she utilizes for her various life endeavors.
Now, though, Chloe seems to have had a change of heart: In her video, she states, "We currently live in a culture where practically everything is created and sold to convince you to buy it," while also writing, "I know that I am a victim of overconsumption."